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tv   FOX 45 News at 500  FOX  October 9, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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3 3 3 & "the math is you have to win 3 know what i'd beetalking about if you weren't abll to win but, it's one winncloser to got through texas knowing we had to win 11 games and startin out winning three, s
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hard." much... like... cubs faas... remember ... steve bart-man... interferring with... moises alou's po... catcc a foul ball...///. oos ans.../ remember jeffrey maierr maier.let's... 1996 playoffs... o's vs. yankees.../derek jeter... hitt a ball deep../ . ony tarasco... rrady to catch it.../ but... &p jeffrey maier..
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reaches out... from the stands and catches the ball instead...///..he umpires call it a home run... eeen though after slow you... can see maier... interfere....// the yankees... won that series our gaaes to one. we've... pplice officer... under investigaaion.../ for... his... suupected involvement... of... a... 133. - yeaa-old girl../. cleared... of any wrongdoing.n - & a first on fox.... keith daniels, live n downtown baltimore.. wwerr prosecutors say officer john ward will ot bb charged with a crime.. keith. jennifer..... the city state's attooney's office released the news today..but only after we called them followinggup on the investigation. and tonight.. accordinn to ttii statement.. they say thhy've coocluded that there is inssfficient evidence to chargg officce ward. ////// 3 ward had been under investigation.. after police found the guu that killeddthe girl in the trunk of officer &pward's car.. after her body had een hidden in a pile of trass. sources say the
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officer was dating the mother of oneeof the 2-boysscharged with manslaughter in the march killlng of 13-year-old monae turnage.. there werre lso accusaaions that the officer played a rooe in a possible cover up and may have advisee the boys on how to handll the situation. at thh time.. familyymembers suspectee the boys did not act lone. alonn. () "because monae was heavy deed weight is extra eavy so - it, it had o been omeone tonight.. prosecutors sayy tte police department will haav to decide whether wardd will face administrative charges. live n downtown baltimore.. keith aniees, fox 44 news at 5. a teenager is found killed in north baltimooe late sunday nig. shot in he head on fairlawn she is from east baltimore, n -
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but was listed as a runaway since march.iffyou have information on her murder, you're urged to call baltimore city police. hooicide count in baltimore - city...we're up to 171 confirmed murders.laat year at this time.... we were at 160 homicides. state police... arr... working to identify... skeletal remains... found in westminster. westminster.pplice... &p were called saturddy.. to a vacant lot... along... route 140... nearr gorsuch road,.../ wheee ...a ciiizen found... human bones...//. a searcc of the area turnee up more remains.police bblievv the bones belong to a mall, but the cause f deathhis stilll unccear.they're comparing misssig person reports from around the area. a man is rrcovering at phe hospiial after being shot by a state trooper. trooper.authoritiee went tt a home on norrisville road in white hall yesserday affer gettinn reports offa suicidal man.they said hhn they got gun at one of the troopers. that'' when the troopee shot two city transportatioo emmloyees admit to selling 30
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thousand dollars worth of city- owned scrap metal to a private company and pocketing the proceeds.prosecutors ay lee kane and theodore wjtaa sold more han 300 thousand pounds poncabird, each received a 10-year suspended jail ttme, both haveebeen d restitution. &p a family ddnates their car t a national organization thinking they're helping others who are less fortunate. fortunate. crime and justice... that... act... of kindness... has... a... breeucratic battle. (((oy)) you might have seen theecommercials forrkars 4 kkis.... or heard tte catchy jingle on the radio.over the summer, a baltimore county pamily donated their car to kars 4 kids. it's a pecision... they have come to theetitle was never to thhm, ((vo)) so whennit turned up &pin baltimoreecity four months later wwth fake temporary tags
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came after angela coob's and her husband. thankfully.... they had received annofficial receipt from kars 4 kids showing he car had been donated. while the citt's department of transportation fixed the error as did the mva...there is still a parking ticket... the city will not ((wipe-sot))10:23:14 since there were fake temp tags it was certainly not kars for pids driving thh carand it us.n't us. 13:47:11 the mva hassno idea that you sold your caa unless someone comes n to retitlee it. so that is a situation we have no parr in -3 ((joy)) i' m told a lot of these organizations that accept donated vehicles are auction. the title is never e in the organizations name... it's merely re-assigned to whoever buys it. as for, who
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expect to hear more from kars 4 kids. joy lepola fox 45 news at 5:00. maryland.... now... has... áeightá deaah..../// while... ///- health officcals.... eep tabs... on... the outbreak, ...// some... product... liabilitt attorneys ... tell us... they've... already been contacted... by people... who've... been exposed...///. the... linked... to... a... tainted baach of steroids.../ made... in massachusetts..../ the... company... recalled tte steroid... thattwas states. "it wwuld be a products liabilityytaking in general negligence principaas of a general breakdown in the sterility process in the manufacturing of ttis steroid. " " right now, ... hundreds of marylanders... who were given... the tainted ppoduct... are being teeted ffr meningitis. 3 sesame street... or ...wall s? street????? its the question many critcs are sayyng about president uses big bird to mock mitt romney for proposing cuts tt pbs funding.... karrn parks joins us and
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pays......political criticss aren't the only onessspeaking out.... the obama for ammrica tv released an ad sarcassicclly linning the giaat yyllow bird to glutoos of greed likee aamitted ponzi scheme ooerator bernie maaoff and ex enron ceo kenneth lay..... this after mitt romney declared in the first presidential debate last week thaa he would cut fundinn deficit......take a llok aa the ad.... 3pcoomeeciallad nats nats today on baltimore radio commentattr 4 weigheddin on //take sst// (31144)while we are talking about 20 ercent
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the pbs money is in 0 percent of the budget is dealing with talk about the big parts that's my whhle point..... sesame workshop released this statement today that says......we have approoed no campaigg ads and as is our peneral practice have down... that brings us to our question of the day. doo youuthink the "sesame ssreet" politiccl ad is effeccive? go to fox-baltimooe dot com and tell us hat you think. you can also soond off through facebook. send s a tweet.. at foxbaltimmre. and you can fox45b for no. to 45203. - sesame street worrshoppwants the ad pulled. you can read their statement on the ontroversy by going tt foxbaltimore dot com.. click on vote 2012 under hot topics. hho are the roaas looking tonig?
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tonight?brandi proctor has our trafficc ege report. report. mapbelairwiikensmap395map
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a string of deatts involving te. tonightton fox 45 news at 5::0...why police are caaling them susppcious. &p3 and former ppnn state er... assistanttcoach... jerry sandusky learns his fate. how long he'll stay behind bars. 3 & --adblibbweather tz-- --adblibbweather tz-- as a pastor, my support for question 6 is rooted in my belief that the government should treat everyone equally. i would not want someone denying my rights based upon their religious views, therefore i should not deny others based upon mine. it's about fairness. this law does not force any church
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to perform a same sex marriage if it's against their beliefs. and that's what this is about. protecting religious freedom and protecting all marylanders equally under the law. join me in voting for question 6. fallen...
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from grace..../ and... now possibly... spending the restt.. of... his life in prison...///. child molester -- / - and... former... penn state coach --/ jerry sandusky... learns his fate. fateedavid lee miller has the
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pennsylvania. sanduskk leaving coort... facing the next three decades behinddbars. aa pennsylvania judge ssntencing 68-year-old sandusky to áat rominger says: "obviooslyyits still a life ssntence but it's &pa lot llsssthan we thought it could have been. we'rr busy drafting our appeals righh now."amendola sayss "jerryy nevvr flinched from his position that he was innocent and that he wanted to the innocencee" sandusky speaking beforr the seetence ...once again denied any wrong sympathy forr sandusky...calllng his statement a masterpiece of self-delusion.mcgettigan says: "commletely untethered from &pacccptaace of responsibility, it waa eetirely self focused, as if he again were the victim. it was in short, ridiculous." everal of the victims who testified durrng the trial... ggving vvctim impact ssatement during sentenciig todaa. experience has changed their lives.mcgettigan says: "the victims stateeent weee a vivid
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remmider of the defendants brutal crrmes though no reminder needed." the former college coach was for abusing 10 boys ee.. over a fffteen year period. happening áinsideá the penn state facilitiee. the university president released aastatement after the sentence was announced, saying quote: ((fs))"while oday's senteece cannot erase what has happened, hopefully it will affected by these horrible events." miller says: "at least four yoong men are suing penn state over the way the university responded to complaints aboot sandusky...wiih more on the way. the school recently announced an eefort to settle the end oo the year. in le by david lee millee, fox news." ig bird... the center of political fighh foo the white house. house.áánats of commercialáá pc: it's me big bird 3 bird the obamaa
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campaign released this commercial.... criticizing republican challenger mitt funding to p-b-s. it's our qqestion of the day.... do you think the ad is effective? you faceeook page... facebooo dot com slash foxbaltimore. foxbaltimore. leslie says "yes, it brings up the fact that mitt romney will be tough on sesame street and soft on wall stteet. those priorities are very backwaads. writes "when we have to borrow money rom china to pay foo big bird then we dont eedd pim. doos this mean big biid may become some of the 47% ... maybe we can give him a free cell phone too." &ptoo." sandra writes "this campaign season has gotten out of control! both ssdessare grabbing at &pstraws at thii point..ii's become a vvte for the lesser &pof two evils." -3 go... to... fox- baltimore dot coo .../ tell s... what you
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off... thru.... - facebook.../. send... us... a tweet.. at foxbaltimore.../. ext... your answer tt ...45-203..../ enter... fox45a for fox45b forrno. 3 with the holidays ast approaching, watching your budget can be tough.three easy changes to yyur budget that could put moreemoney in your pockee..- --adbbib weathhr tz-- @
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it's heavy lifting. you start with a democratic senator named ben. by getting bwi-marshall funding for new runways, he's helping us serve 21 million passengers a year, which helps keep 100,000 jobs that depend on the airport, and that means more cargo for more businesses and more skycaps unloading more taxis... welcome to bwi. ...carrying families with more luggage. thanks. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approve this message. that and two other
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quick changes ttat cculd give huge demand beeore it is even . released.whyycoosumers may bb waiting onger for the product. if yoo areenot sure if eggs
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should be part of a healthy diet.. you're not alone. but experts say only those with heart disease risk factors should be careful of the amount of eggs they eat. egg whites are a great ssurce of protein... it's the yolk that haa the cholesterro and saturated fat you may want to
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avoid. 137-154"it doesn't make a difference in the amount of cholesteeol in the eggs, but that you add ii only going to contribuue to your saturated fattfor the day. so, drier cookkng methods, or oil-free cooking methods are preferred, so poachhng, boiling, pan frying with a cooking ssray." experts also ay avoid putting salt on your eggs to keep the amount of sodium in your diet lower..a teasppon of saat a day is all you need to stay withii healthy levels. it's... as... americcn... as... holiday shooping... / post-holiday debt..../// buu... s... karin caifa explains... trimming... ccsts ...right now.../ can... help consumers ...stass some cash... friday. budget betteen now nd black finance has some simppe, painless tips. tip number one, stop paying or text messages and potentially overage fees,
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with a variety of free texting apps. you'll tap into all of phoneeas opposed to using stannard messaaing on your only thhng you''l have to put up with areesome ads here and there, of course. tip number two, dig in your wallet to find and sell unwanted gift cards. iplinger says the averrge household has aboot pift card exchange won't give the full value of the card,, but it'' better than nothing. withholding, instead of refund in the spring. that'ss your money. that's money hat giving back to you in the spring..but why let tte irs pold on to it all year long? you could be saving or investing that money or eeaning some interest along the way or spending it on worthwhile adventures, such as holiday giffs. it's as simple as filing a nee w-4 form with your employer. the changes can paycheck and could put almostt 500 dollars in your bann account ooer the next two
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months. for consumerrwaach, i'm karin ccifa. 3 the... buzz is building... pad..../. whill... apple hasn't officially confirmed plans... to launch a smaller tablet.../ some... component suppliers in assa.... received orderss.. o make... pore than....10-million.... p smaller tablets...//. rouggly... doubleethe order... placed for amazon's... "kindde fire"... tablees..../ it's... rummred ...that apple... will unveill.. the... mini i- the meningitis ouutreak continues to tonight on fox 5 news at 5:30... whattmedical expoerts have to say aaout the inccbation period of this 3isease. a 16-year old girl.. murdered in baltiiore. the cluee n her killing....and two other the age oo 20. 3 --adblib weather tz---
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